Athletic Bilbao

Athletic Bilbao

Athletic Club, commonly known as just Athletic, is a Spanish professional football club based in the city of Bilbao in the Basque Country of Spain. They are known as Los Leones (The Lions) because their stadium was built near a church called San Mamés, which was named after Saint Mammes, an early Christian thrown to the lions by the Romans. Mammes pacified the lions and was later made a saint. The team plays its home matches at the San Mamés Stadium. Its home colours are red and white-striped shirts with black shorts. Wikipedia

Official name: Athletic Club

Stadium: San Mamés


Athletic Bilbao Fixtures, Results, Live Streams


This page displays information about Athletic Bilbao, it includes upcoming match schedules, TV broadcast schedules, results, video highlights of matches.

Athletic Bilbao live scores, players, season schedule and today results are available on Live Soccer on TV 365.

We may have video highlights with goals and news for some Athletic Bilbao matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular football leagues.

There are also all Athletic Bilbao scheduled matches that they are going to play in the future.

For today football schedule and results visit our Results & Video Highlights.