Crystal Palace

Crystal Palace

Crystal Palace Football Club, commonly referred to as Palace, is a professional football club based in Selhurst in the Borough of Croydon, South London, England, which competes in the Premier League, the highest level of English football. Although formally created as a professional outfit in 1905 at the Crystal Palace Exhibition building, the club claim their foundation date to be as far back as 1861, after a disputed lineage was found to an amateur Crystal Palace football team who first played on a cricket pitch inside the Palace grounds. The club used the FA Cup final stadium situated inside the grounds of the Palace for their home games between 1905 and 1915, when they were forced to leave due to the outbreak of the First World War. In 1924, they moved to their current home at Selhurst Park.Wikipedia


Crystal Palace Fixtures, Results, Live Streams


This page displays information about Crystal Palace, it includes upcoming match schedules, TV broadcast schedules, results, video highlights of matches.

Crystal Palace live scores, players, season schedule and today results are available on Live Soccer on TV 365.

We may have video highlights with goals and news for some Crystal Palace matches, but only if they play their match in one of the most popular football leagues.

There are also all Crystal Palace scheduled matches that they are going to play in the future.

For today football schedule and results visit our Results & Video Highlights.